AOS Meaning in Chat or Text Messages Online

AOS Meaning in Chat or Text Messages Online

This guide about aos meaning in chat or text messages online is all you need to get a clear picture.

Without wasting your time, let's dive straight into explaining what it means.

What Does This Mean in Texting?

AOSAdult over shoulder
AOS stands for "Adult over shoulder" and is used to indicate that someone is watching or listening to a conversation. It is often used by teenagers who want to communicate something without their parents or other adults knowing. For example, if a group of teenagers are chatting and one of them sees an adult approaching, they might type "AOS" to let the others know to be careful about what they say. Another example could be a teenager texting their friend about a party they want to attend, but their parent is nearby. They might use "AOS" to indicate that they need to be discreet.

Muhammad Azeem

Job Title: Author


Address: 1169 Short Street, Austin, TX, 78723, USA